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all smiles

the forgotten front lines
Retail has never been a glamorous job, but it is one that needs to be done. Products need to be moved, questions need to be answered and returns need to be fulfilled all while creating a good relationship between consumers and the corporation. While these are simple tasks that anyone can do, the compensation for the mental and emotional stress of the job doesn’t always add up.
Everyone needs a good Laugh
You wouldn't think it was necessary, but sometimes a good reminder is helpful. This concept takes a light-hearted approach during these dismal times to remind people to just be a good person. These workers put out the products they buy and the food they put in their fridges back home. I used bright, heavily saturated colors in combination with humorous and almost satirical copy, as well as friendly illustrations and fun typography.

It's not your typical major social issue, but at the heart of every social issue is the desire to make sure people are treated equally and fairly.
Guerrilla Tactics
COVID-19 brought about many different changes to our life and added additional responsibilities the retail world's work load. Not only do they have to make sure your meats and cheeses stay separate, but now they have become monitors of our health and safety.
Some new items we have become familiar with at the registers are hand sanitizers and social distancing markers. While the jokes are pretty cheesy, they're there to encourage folks to have a laugh and make their checkout experience a little more enjoyable while they run in to grab the eggs and milk.
At just about every checkout counter, you can find gift cards. They're great last minute gifts, but also a great last minute reminder that the person across the counter is in fact a human!

You can purchase one to give to the worker helping you, or go ahead and take them to spread the word around. (Top = Front; Bottom = Back)
Every Day's A gamble
The final deliverable in this campaign is an instagram ad that resembles a lottery machine. The ad would be animated and show how just one customer can really make or break an employee's day. Everything is going great until a "Karen" insists on getting a refund for an item she hasn't even received yet.
There's some pretty cool behind the scenes work for this.
Check out how I got here!
Process Book