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portum centre

A quiet little corner away from the noise of the busy city streets.
The word opportunity comes from the Latin phrase, “ob portum veniens” which means, “coming towards a port.” This shopping center provides these hard-working individuals of Baltimore, MD an opportunity to enjoy the quietness of nature and quite literally, to stop and smell the roses. It's more than a shopping center where you can run in, grab a couple things, and rush home to make dinner. It's a quiet little corner tucked away from all the noise of the busy city streets.
Welcome to Portum Centre
One of the deliverables included was a small brochure that gives an overview of the shopping center and what it has to offer. Sure you can go to any retailer out there and get your groceries, but you can't take a nap there on your lunch break.

Although, you probably shouldn't take a nap in the middle of a grocery store....
The heart of Portum Centre is a space designed to feel luxurious, while still being affordable because you & your well-being, are priceless. To convey this, the colors used are rich and warm, earthy hues.
It's a place to unwind...maybe spoil yourself a little,
or just take a nap in the beautiful outdoors.
At Your Service
While each shop offers a unique experience, there's nothing wrong with just wanting to sit outside and relax. This place is here for you. Don't want to get up for a coffee or some tiramisu? The app allows you to do some online retail therapy and have everything brought to you at one of the many day-bed stations in the complex. The design of the app is more free flowing to break away from the rigid business world and encourage customers to "go with the flow."
Brand Identity
The logo mark is an ambiguous symbol paired with a combination of rounded serif and sans serif typefaces to communicate openness. Inspired by the actual layout of the shopping center, it can also be interpreted as a fermata (musical term; take your time in holding that note and to really savor it) and an eye (keep your eyes open--don’t blink and miss something; singularity--oasis to reflect on yourself).
There's some pretty cool behind the scenes work for this.
Check out how I got here!
Process Book