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igniting the torch

Remembering the roots of a resilient people
The Filipino people are most well known for their hospitable and sacrificing nature as well as their festive celebrations. However, behind their cheerful and optimistic nature, is a turbulent past filled with hundreds of years of invasions and insurgencies through which they have displayed an unmatched perseverance. As future generations are being raised, it’s important to know where they came from and that the importance of their culture be ignited in them. This exhibition will feature art and immersive displays on the hardships the Filipino people have overcome, making them the passionate and resilient people they are today.
The Strength of a People
The logotype uses a thick sans serif in all caps to show the strength of the Filipino people. The alterations to the typeface resemble the flicker of a flame but also speak to the peoples perseverance; no matter how hard the wind blows, they still maintain their core values and distinct culture. The color palette is highly saturated to show the passion and cheerfulness of the Filipino people and their festivities.
Every Parade Needs a Banner
The poster is a two part series that uses different color sets to show the different aspects of Filipino life; the “turbulent” versus the “cheerful”. When put next to each other, they resemble a banner for the “celebration” of Filipino heritage. Through the word “the” in the center appears an image where you can see the faces of the children which invites the viewer to see into the letterforms and learn more about the people in the picture.
Upon entering the exhibit, guests are greeted head on with a long introductory wall; the lines invite guests to follow them and walk further into the museum. The use of a dark blue background is a reflection of the more solemn history of the many invasions of the Philippines.

*click on the image above for a closer look*

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Process Book