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da capo

Reminiscing on the days before covid
Quarantine and COVID have not been easy feats on anyone; it was a time of separation from our loved ones and isolation in an already "socially distant" world. However, all this extra free time at home gave people a chance to try new things and return to old hobbies. For some, it was the love of music. Da Capo is a musical term that means 'to return to the beginning.' While things may never return to the way they were, it's a beautiful thing to reflect on the happier times and hold on to the hope for better days.
A girl and her best friend
This poster was created for a music event at an outdoor music venue located in Washington D.C. called, Wolf Trap. In the illustration, a girl is on a picnic with her best friend, a piano, in an ethereal forest. While these are some pretty strange and difficult times we're living in. However, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy each moment and make the most out of what we have. We may not be able to meet up together, but there are things like music that bring us joy to our lives.